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SwarmCloud is completely free of charge for open-source projects and non-profit organizations. We love the open-source philosophy and are eager to support community projects. Please contact us to request this support.

Total TrafficDaily QuotaPeriodPrice(US dollar)
60TB2TB30 days$30 ($0.50/TB)
150TB5TB30 days$65 ($0.43/TB)
300TB10TB30 days$125 ($0.41/TB)
750TB25TB30 days$260 ($0.34/TB)
1.5PB50TB30 days$420 ($0.28/TB)
3PB100TB30 days$700 ($0.23/TB)
7.5PB250TB30 days$1350 ($0.18/TB)
15PB500TB30 days$2000 ($0.13/TB)
30PB1PB30 days$2900 ($0.09/TB)
UnlimitedUnlimited30 daysContact Support

Each of our plans comes with a defined event quota. If you exceed that quota, don’t worry, you can buy traffic package as supplement.

  • 1TB = 1024GB
  • It's a classic volume discount: when you use more, you pay less.
  • Payment Method:
    • PayPal
    • Stripe
    • Alipay
    • Credit and debit card
    • Cryptocurrency